I've been contemplating the idea of creating a green bean gallery for a while, and with some spare time this evening, I decided to give it a try. Let me clarify from the start that this isn't my area of expertise, and there might be some order discrepancies in the latter half, but I hope you'll still find it intriguing. This post primarily comprises images. While some readers may find these images familiar, for others, they might be entirely new. I find the diversity in the appearance of green coffee beans absolutely captivating, which is why I wanted to share this post. If you're reading this in a feed reader, it may not be as enjoyable. However, if you're reading it here on the website, you can either click on each picture as we progress or use the option to cycle through them as they pop up, all of which are appropriately labeled. For now, I simply want to present a gallery, and I'll try to refrain from delving too much into my personal opinions about specifi...